Follow my journey in building Niche Websites. My name is LJ. Here I will teach you everything I’ve learned in Blogging.

I started learning about building niche websites in the summer of 2021. I have since grown a brand new domain to over $1400 in 6 months. My goal here is to teach you everything I’ve learned and show you my strategies to build an online business.

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Blogger Evolution Podcast

The Doug Show

My Strategy at a Glance

Publish Frequently

From my experience, publishing quality content frequently and consistently is a key to gaining traction on search engines.

Cover Topics Thoroughly

When performing keyword research, you want to find an underserved topic, not just a query. My strategy focuses on finding a cluster of content that is underserved and covering it completely (even if some keywords are too competitive).

Listen to the readers

Just like any business, it is important to listen to your customers (or readers in this case). Use data and feedback from readers, such as search results and clicks, to understand what readers are enjoying and make more content like that1